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End of Life Care

Dr. Elener discusses preparations you should make before the end of your life. She discusses both le...


Osteoporosis is low bone density which increases your risk for fracture of any bone in your body. Dr...

Diet Weight and Exercise

Dr. Elener explains the details behind healthy living. She discusses diet, weight, exercise, smoking...

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is an issue that affects 20% of men at 50. Dr. Elener discusses causes, solutio...

Sexually Transmitted Infections

There are many different sexually transmitted diseases that can affect people. Learn about the vari...

Drug Use

I must say I don’t understand drug use. I never experimented with drugs because I would have been ...


Everyone handles stress differently. Dr. Elener explains how to handle stress and activities that yo...

Smoking Tobacco

Smoking is bad. Smoking increases your risk of every kind of cancer including, throat, esophageal, s...

Depression and Anxiety

Come in and see me and we can talk and get a plan to fix your problems. Laying in bed or curled up o...